Thursday, March 28, 2013

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

I had a fantastic time at the Baby Fair this weekend. I get so excited right before a show. I had 45 minutes of  sleep the night before. I really believe in what I am doing. I have to stay focused on painting and my dream to be a full time artist. I have learned so much already. I know with time and experience this journey will get easier. Before the show, my 6 year old son drew a picture of me with paintings all around me and a title above it that read "Too much art." It cracked me up. I guess it was kinda taking over the house a little I was staying up until 2-3 am each night  trying to finish paintings. Thankfully, one of my owl paintings sold. I just need a little encouragement and I'll keep going on this adventure.

Friday, March 1, 2013

     I am doing a lot of self-reflection lately. I'm trying to figure out why I gave up on my dream of having a career in art.
Did you give up on your dream? Did you give up before you even tried?
    I did. Instead of trying to find a job out of college that was geared toward art, I took the first job that I was offered. Why? I suppose I was excited to be getting a regular paycheck and the money was decent for the time. I bought a house and spent a year getting a salary to do art with kids. It was great fun, but a lot of work for the money. I got my real estate license and spent six years helping my husband sell real estate. During that time, we fixed up houses and either sold them or kept them as rentals. It just seemed like life was moving fast. I wouldn't have had time to just sit and paint or do photography.
Did you at any point look back at your life and think, I lost a part of myself?  I only recently realized that the creative person I had once been was gone.
Have you been doing a lot of BIG dreaming, lately? I know I have been!