Sunday, January 27, 2013

To Tweet or Not to Tweet?

I am really trying to figure out the excitement with Twitter. It seems like you are either really into it or you're just not. Not sure what to think yet. I still think it's a little strange to type out my thoughts for anyone to see at any time. Not only that, but it's out in internet land...forever! Yikes!

Friday, January 25, 2013

I have had my trusty companion for the last 14 years. We have been through it all together. From being there to move into my first home to marriage and the addition of a cat and three kiddos. She was all I had and she continues to be loyal to me everyday.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Wow! Blogging has proved to be more difficult than I thought. Big props to everyone out there that can be consistent and bring new material every day, and even week! I am super excited about my first print of the year. I am starting to realize that I just have to make being creative part of my day no matter what. It lightens my soul and brightens my mood.