Thursday, November 8, 2012

Just finished this painting. I am loving this heart theme.

Check out the print here:
I was so blessed to be ask to create a painting with someone in mind. It was so exciting to sketch a drawing and formulate an idea. I loved getting out my paint and just seeing where the brush would take me. You can purchase a print of my painting here:

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

One year to become an artist...can I do it?

I have watched other people follow their dreams and make a living at it. Can anyone do it? Can I? Can you? I have to try. I want to take the next year and focus on my artistic side. Maybe you have something you are passionate about or you have a hidden talent that needs explored.  Why did I give up before I even tried. One became an artist with a fairly steady income. Possible? I have to find out.